R&D Center Anyang Forging Press is China Based manufacturer, exporter of Close Die Forging Machine, Open Die Forging Machine, Ring Rolling Machine and many others. It has a R&D center for promoting the Chinese forging industry. We have employed 350 personnel in this center, among which 30% are doctors and/or hold a master degree, 65% hold bachelor degree and remaining 5% are the skilled / semi-skilled workers. In all our products, we have set up higher standards in terms of quality and have completed all the production targets. We combine research with academic aspects to deduce the most efficacious technology. Till date, we have completed over 200 scientific research achievements, which have allowed us to be awarded with over 100 technology achievement awards from the Govt. of China, provinces, ministries and municipalities.
Main Functions of R&D Center Our R&D center is an established one in China and is dedicatedly working towards improving the designing capability of Chinese forging equipment. Some of the purposes / targets / functions of this research and development center are mentioned below: - Invigorate the Chinese forging industry
- Boosts various facets of forging equipment such as research, energy saving, and more efficiency
- Augment the scope of independent design of forging equipment
- Transfer of technological achievements
- Fortify the capability of creating practical technology
- In terms of new, introduced technology, its function is to beef up the capability of acquisition, absorption and innovation
International Exchanges and Cooperation Anyang Forging Press believes that R&D should always be a combination of independent research and introduced technology. In line with this, we have strategic and congenial associations with established forging equipment companies and research institutions based in different parts of the world such as Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, United States and many more. In our R&D center, there are 5 laboratories integrated with experimental and research equipments.
In our company, we have published material on the topic of "Guidance On Strengthening The Construction Of Scientific And Technical Personnel". Some of its content brief are given below: - Providing training to leading technology personnel
- Young employees are trained completely
- "Mentoring" format is followed, wherein seasoned & senior personnel provide training to the young technical personnel
- Salary system has been established as per the technical elements as well as contributions
Capital Guarantee And Equipment Support
3% to 5% of sales revenue is allotted towards research activities In 2008, we invested 15 million $ in R&D Backed with adequate capital, which allows us to track globally advanced technology concepts. We have over 400 units of research, testing, processing and detecting equipment With time, we have increased investments to renew the laboratory facilities and buy newer scientific instruments |